Weekly Lesson Plans

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Morning Preschool Schedule

8:30-8:45 Opening/Prayer/Songs

8:45-9:00 Calendar/Songs/Days of the Week/Weather

9:00-9:15 Pray/Bible/Verses
“Sharing” Jesus Feeds Five Thousand

9:15-9:45 Jamboree Time (Gross Motor Play)
· Aerobic Wednesdays
Wednesday:“Group Publishing: Inside Out & Into the Bible” on You Tube on the TV with Jumping on the trampoline 
Thursday: Rhythm sticks/CD
Friday: Rollin’ In the Dough pg 43 Mailbox Magazine

9:45-9:55 Drinks/Bathroom Breaks

9:55-10:20 Activity Time

· Wednesday Literacy/ Writing Readiness “I can Draw”page page 9&14; Snip It: Rainbow
· Thursday Small Motor Skills/Computer: Snip It: Tree
· Friday Science/Literacy “Irreversible Change”(Sid the Science Kid PBSKIDS.ORG) use your science journals and create cookie dough. Ask, what will happen if we use heat with our dough. Answer with a drawing in the journals. While cooking the cookies, watch video on laptop.

10:20-10:45 Snack

10:45-11:00 Story Time “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”; 
Thursday: Have him read to you the book and do make a video; 
Friday: The Doorbell Rang (use a doorbell sound effect) 

11:00-11:20 Craft
Wednesday: “Mouse Manners” pg 40 Mailbox Magazine make paper bag puppets (no paper bags, use brown sock, and cut pieces out of fabric.
Thursday: Cookie Kitchen Band singing “C is for cookie” from Sesame Street use the laptop and Youtube for the song
Friday: Make cookies (Share with friend)

11:20-11:30 Clean up/Song Time/Pray


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