All month we have been studying about Jesus' Resurrection during our
Bible Time. I have been using this
video as a teaching tool. It goes with
Family Life's Resurrection Eggs and
book. I show the video and then give each child a basket to go on our own egg hunt. These eggs are filled with items to help teach the Easter story.
Supplies: plastic eggs, clip art of items, or Resurrection eggs, Easter basket, Easter grass
Process: Before your lesson hide the eggs indoors. If you are doing this with your class, make sure you have enough for each child to find one. After collecting your eggs sit together and read the
story. As you read have the children open the eggs that match thought the book. After the story collect the eggs. Then have the children actually make their own set of Resurrection Eggs to take home. Have the children cut out the clip art and place it in the correct color egg. Let the children put their eggs in their baskets and take home to tell their families about the true meaning of Easter!
Teach Well: Have your children go outside to collect their own rock for their pink egg for an even more of an experience. To find more information about each egg go
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